Daily Fuel Gauge Report: What are Obama's Policies Costing You Today?
Site of the Day: PJ Media
LL 1885′s Picks:
President Obama ‘Watched A Lot of Football This Weekend’
Movie Excuse Cinema
Mastermind of World Trade Center bombing to be “transferred” to Egypt?
AMERICANS: LESS WOBBLY THAN OUR “LEADERS.” 72% Put Freedom of Speech Ahead of Not Offending Other Cultures.
Chicago terror bomber targeted my bar, co-owner of Cal’s says
Oil Falls
Must Reads Of The Day:
Contempt for Your Intelligence: The Administration’s Benghazi Response
A Time For Pretending
Election 2012:
2012 Electoral College Scoreboard
COVERAGE: Obama Truth Team tweets out anti-Semitic Dowd column; Politico buries it.
Fighter jets shown at DNC were Turkish, not American Continue reading